Why the need for regular body massage?

More than just playing an integral role in the traditional healing arts of ancient civilisations, modern science has only recently began to affirm what our ancestors already knew – the therapeutic benefits that traditional massage offer are the best forms of therapy.

Plenty of jobs nowadays demand employees to spend all day hunched over a computer screen. This easily results in aches and pains in tired and overworked muscles. Massage therapy can not only relieve your aches, but also provide one of the best forms of stress relief.

Research also shows that regular massage can lead to an increase in creativity and productivity. Due to this reason, many of the best corporate organisations regularly employ the services of masseurs.

In Indian customs, babies are encouraged to be regularly massaged with oil. This practice is now catching up in the West, with studies showing that regular massage will result in your infant growing up healthy and strong. It also strengthens the bond between the parent and child.

Regular massage also plays a part in benefitting your physiology. It strengthens the muscles and underlying tissue. This is why sportspersons and physiotherapists often regard massage as an essential part of the training regimen for most sports.

Body massage promotes the functioning of the circulatory system. It increases blood flow to various parts of the body and aids in repair and renewal of damaged cells.

Another major part massage therapy plays in is the rehabilitation of an injured spinal cord. Injuries to spinal cord may lead to a loss of movement in the limbs. Studies have shown that regular massage can improve the blood flow in the affected areas and promote healing in the damaged tissues. With the help of regular massages, many paraplegics were able to walk again.

Massage therapy is also useful in dealing with post-operative recovery, as research shows that it greatly improves post-operative recovery times.

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