Women beware! Your man may be offered special services at massage parlours

Even after the recent massage parlour raids in the vicinity of Kitchener Road and Maude Road in October 2012, there are still plenty of massage parlours offering “special” services to customers.

There have been numerous reports of massage customers complaining of being offered “indecent” sexual services, even when they visit the massage parlours for legitimate massages. This is typical for massage parlours that are not licensed or CaseTrust accreditated.

And these “special” massage services are not only available in popular red-light districts, but also the quiet heartlands. According to reports on Asiaone.com, a neighbourhood beauty salon in Ang Mo Kio estate was offering such services. Brian (not his real name) is married and repeatedly declined the “special” services even when pestered.

This notorious behaviour is setting up a poor image of neighbourhood beauty salons, massage parlours and wellness centres, even when they are legitimate businesses. Some of the larger massage parlours usually have a steam room, movie room, small canteen where you can enjoy the facilities before being ushered into a pretty dark and seedy room (usually with attached toilet) where customers can disrobe and wait for the “masseuse” to arrive.

So ladies, when your man needs to have a body massage, inform him that he needs to check if the establishment has a legitimate license and is CaseTrust accreditated. If not, he might be getting full treatment from a prostitute, than a professional massage therapist.

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