What to do before and after a massage?

If you need tips on what to do before and after a massage therapy, look no further. Here are some tips to help you out:

Before Massage Therapy:

–       Find a good massage therapist. Ensure that the establishment is case trust accredited.

–       Ask extensively about the techniques used. A technique that works well for a friend may not work for you. Also, every therapist differs a little in the pressure that they use and how they actually perform the different techniques. It is worthwhile to spend some time searching around, and even pay a little more, for a good match.

–       Take a shower before going for your therapy session. Not only does a hot shower loosen up your muscles, it also makes for a more pleasant experience for your therapist as well, for obvious reasons. Looser muscles make the massage easier, and who wouldn’t take a freshly washed body over any other when you’re in that close of contact?

–       Inform the therapist of your medical conditions. In addition to all of your complaints, write down anything that could be medically relevant (such as any allergies or disliking of certain oils or scents). Any diagnosis from your doctor or chiropractor may not only be beneficial in your massage therapy, it can also change the way that your therapist may do things. Nothing is too small to share!

After Massage Therapy:

–       Drink plenty of water. Staying hydrated will help to flush toxins out of your system faster.

–       Give yourself some time. Don’t immediately dismiss the therapy session if you do not always feel better right away. If your muscles are too tight before a massage, it can even make you feel sorer right after getting one. The toxins that are released may even make you feel a little sick. Talk to your therapist your discomforts and they can suggest other things, such as stretching exercises, to make the process faster and easier.

–       Don’t quit just because you feel better. Treat massage therapies as a maintenance plan that keep you feeling good. People who get regular massages tend to report better results than those that just go in when they absolutely have to. Rather than considering it a pampering luxury, make it a part of your new healthier lifestyle!

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