Massage to Your Own Tune

Even though therapeutic massages have a history spanning centuries, that does not mean they cannot be revamped by our current high technology to provide the same kind of benefits, but in a more stylish and convenient way.

In CES 2013, there is an iPhone application that allows you to get a massage according to your favourite musical beat. Continue reading

What is traditional Malay massage?

Traditional Malay massage is based on the kampung massage practice. This comprehensive and effective massage therapy helps to relax the nerves and mind. Also popularly perceived as an efficient pre and post natal massage as it helps to improve blood circulation and stimulate nerves, traditional Malay massage involves stretching, stepping, long kneading strokes and pressure applied to every part of the body, from the head, face, abdomen, body to the toes of the feet. Continue reading

Women beware! Your man may be offered special services at massage parlours

Even after the recent massage parlour raids in the vicinity of Kitchener Road and Maude Road in October 2012, there are still plenty of massage parlours offering “special” services to customers.

There have been numerous reports of massage customers complaining of being offered “indecent” sexual services, even when they visit the massage parlours for legitimate massages. This is typical for massage parlours that are not licensed or CaseTrust accreditated. Continue reading

What to do before and after a massage?

If you need tips on what to do before and after a massage therapy, look no further. Here are some tips to help you out:

Before Massage Therapy:

–       Find a good massage therapist. Ensure that the establishment is case trust accredited. Continue reading

Why the need for regular body massage?

More than just playing an integral role in the traditional healing arts of ancient civilisations, modern science has only recently began to affirm what our ancestors already knew – the therapeutic benefits that traditional massage offer are the best forms of therapy.

Plenty of jobs nowadays demand employees to spend all day hunched over a computer screen. This easily results in aches and pains in tired and overworked muscles. Massage therapy can not only relieve your aches, but also provide one of the best forms of stress relief. Continue reading

What is Traditional Thai Massage?

Traditional Thai massage is believed to have been developed by a physician to Buddha, Jivaka Kumar Bhaccha, more than 2,500 years ago in India. The practice made its way to Thailand, where the Ayurvedic techniques and principles gradually became influenced by traditional Chinese medicine.

For centuries, monks performed Thai massages, and it is seen as one component of Thai medicine. Continue reading

What is Traditional Chinese Massage?

Chinese Massage, including foot reflexology, is an ancient tradition in close relations to herbal medicine, acupuncture and acupressure under the umbrella of traditional Chinese medicine.

Massage therapy is possibly as old as human kind itself. However, even with this fact in perspective, the pedigree of Chinese massage is impressive. There are massage textbooks as far back as the Nei Jing (722-481 BC), currently labelled as the most ancient medical texts. In the Tang Dynasty (618-907 AD), it is recorded that there were 56 massage doctors in the imperial hospital, more than the total number of herbalist and acupuncturists around that period. Continue reading